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Have your say! Aotea Quay roundabout plan

From Lets Get Wellington Moving website

Aotea Quay roundabout designs and traffic resolution

As part of the Thorndon Quay and Hutt Road project, we’re planning construction of a roundabout on Aotea Quay to replace the existing signalised intersection.

The Thorndon Quay & Hutt Road project seeks to deliver improvements to the Thorndon Quay and Hutt Road corridor, targeting public transport and active travel.

A roundabout on Aotea Quay will improve safety for all modes of travel on Hutt Road by:

1.     providing a safe turning location for all vehicles (trucks in particular) that want to travel north from a property on Hutt Road.

2.     providing direct access to the ferry terminal from State Highway 1, thereby reducing the amount of freight and ferry traffic on Hutt Road by allowing these vehicles to stay on the highway.

Constructing the roundabout at Aotea Quay will be the first step in helping us to address existing problems identified along the Thorndon Quay Hutt Road corridor, the predicted growth in public transport usage, traffic volumes and plans to upgrade the Kaiwharawhara ferry terminal. 

The design of a roundabout adjacent to the Mainfreight entrance was originally proposed in 2014. Through the Let's Get Wellington Moving programme, and the approval of the Single Stage Business Case by all three partners this year, the funding is now available for a safe turning solution to be built. 

We have been engaging with directly affected stakeholders at Aotea Quay about our proposals and to gather technical information for incorporation into the design.

Now we are sharing the design proposals and engaging with our communities and stakeholders on the traffic resolution needed for the roundabout design.

Read more here
Submit your thoughts by 5pm, Sun 17 July here