Fortress Apartments & Lifeboat Buildings

Here are some quick emergency-related questions for you

  1. How big is your apartment?

  2. Does it have enough room to store emergency supplies for 7 days per person? ( For example 21 litres of water per day per person, buckets to use as emergency toilets, enough food that doesn’t need cooking, first aid kit, batteries, torches, a carry case for your pet, a power bank for your phone etc)

  3. Do you have tools, like a crowbar or an axe, to help you open your front door if it has gone wonky after a big shake?

  4. Does your building have some space where supplies could be stored for an emergency?

  5. Do you know if your next door neighbours need help?

  6. Do they know if you need help?

17,000 of us live in ‘our patch’ - inner-city Wellington – many in our over 125 apartment buildings.

That’s a lot of people living in places that, unlike our leafy suburbs, are sometimes small, and have restricted entry access and isolated living. When the big one hits - or adversity arrives - what have we done to help ourselves - and each other – to be ready?

Fortress Apartments and Lifeboat Buildings is a campaign facilitated by ICW which aims to create neighbourly connections and resourcing strategies to help us all get through.

If you live in an inner-city apartment building and want to know more - please contact us because we’d love to have a chat about our ‘lifeboat building’ idea.
