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Come along to Live Wellington’s Earthquake-prone/insurance-related public meeting

We want to let you know about a very topical earthquake-prone / insurance-related public meeting being run by the Live WELLington team. 

  • "... many of those currently living in apartment complexes are facing a myriad of challenges, from increasing earthquake standards, rising and unaffordable insurance costs and leaky building issues...."

At the meeting, Live WELLington will have two affected home-owners sharing their experiences and, as well, the ex-head of EQC - who now consults on insurance matters overseas and in New Zealand - will be speaking. 
The when, where info:

  • Thursday 22 February

  • 5.15pm

  • Garden Room of St Peter's Church (entrance off Ghuznee Street)

RSVP here


Who is Live WELLington
LIVE WELLington is a group for people who love Wellington and want to ensure this city continues to be wonderful, for future generations to enjoy. 


Here's the event information from Live Wellington:

'Living with earthquake risk – have we got it right?'

More Wellingtonians will be living in apartment buildings in coming decades if the city embraces denser living for practical and environmental reasons.
However many of those currently living in apartment complexes are facing a myriad of challenges, from increasing earthquake standards, rising and unaffordable insurance costs and leaky building issues.
Often these are compounded by the challenge of the body corporate set up, which requires all owners to agree on a solution.

If we can’t get apartment living right, how can we achieve a liveable city in the future?

In this public meeting, we explore this issue with two affected homeowners.

  • Mel Johnston and Craig Sengelow are among a group of apartment owners facing daunting costs to bring their Newtown apartment block up to current earthquake standards.

We are also joined by

  • the former head of the EQC, David Middleton.

David was made an Officer of the NZ Order of Merit for his leadership of EQC and since then has been a consultant on insurance matters overseas and in New Zealand, including providing advice to the previous Wellington Mayor and the Minister of Finance.